Val Venis and his feud with Kaientai over the summer was an example of the ridiculous heights the storylines of the Attitude Era went.Mizark!XPac: Hey hey hey, Rocky! Well I don't know what you're cooking.smells like shit.but I think I'll have some anyway, hey hey hey!Ĭrock!Triple H: Mark Henry-Mizark-you're the world's strongest man, and the Crock's got a hell of a body himself.but what the Crock wants to know is how you get your pecs to wrap all the way around your body like that.ī-Lo!Road Dogg: (as Mizark! X Pac dies laughing) WHAT THE BROTHER WANTS TO KNOW IS HOW. During the "ECW Invasion" episode, Heyman, Lawler and Vince on the Blue World Order:.Extra funny: during the break, Marlena turned them against one another, and Raw returned with them pounding the shit out of each other. The two responded by taking forever to warm up, then proceeding with some of the most half-assed wrestling in history. Slaughter called bullshit on that pretty quick and forced them to go at it.

In the fall of 1997, Brian Pillman tried to get out of wrestling his fellow Hart Foundation member, Owen Hart, by faking an injury. The abovementioned "match" wasn't the first time Slaughter was defied by an in-ring Stylistic Suck.Slaughter who forced them into having a match against one another. They were mainly doing this to defy Commissioner Sgt. At a circa Christmas 1997 broadcast, Triple H and Shawn Michaels put on an obviously fixed match for the European title, in which Triple H bounced back and forth off the ropes about ten times before giving Michaels an incredibly fake body slam for the pin.